Health & Fitness

It is always best to check with your doctor before engaging in an exercise program.

If you want to reshape and strengthen your body, incorporate weight lifting into your schedule. Start with two-to-three-pound weights and go easy on yourself. The following exercises, using only free weights, will have your body firmed up before you know it. In six weeks, you will be able to see a marked difference.

Do free weights only every other day so you do not over tax muscles. If you can only manage three times a week, that is all right, as long as you are consistent, you will still see a difference. Not only will you see a difference, I guarantee you will feel a difference.

Follow the simple weight lifting directions below and you will be on your way to taking charge of your body. You deserve to look and feel good!

Chest Press for Arms

Begin: Lie flat on bench with knees pulled up to take pressure off back. Hold dumbbell in each hand positioned slightly above shoulders with palms facing forward.

End: Lift dumbbells up above your chest keeping them straight and close together and hold to the count of two. Lower to begin position and feel the working of your chest as elbows fall slightly below your body.

(Keep your back flat against the bench with no arching.)

Lateral Raise for Arms

Begin: Hold dumbbell in each hand and stand with feet shoulder width apart keeping back straight. Let arms hang down palms facing in as you bend forward from hips. The degree of bending forward depends on your current back and shoulder strength.

End: Raise dumbbells slowly and extend arms outward to shoulder level. Hold for count of two as you slowly lower to begin position.

(Do not fly the weights outward to raise, this means you are attempting too heavy of dumbbells.)

Squats for Legs

Begin: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Holding two dumbbells allow arms to hang straight down. Keep knees slightly flexed and palms facing inward. Tuck your abs and keep your back straight.

End: Continue keeping your back straight as you slowly bend forward from the knees. Lower as far as you can without straining your back. Your ultimate goal is to have your thighs parallel to the floor. Knees should stay behind your toes. Push off from the whole foot as you slowly rise to the begin position.

(It seems extremely awkward as you squat back into your heels. Start with light dumbbells to avoid injury and do not force yourself to lower too far.)

Calf Raises for Legs

Begin: Holding dumbbells at sides with arms straight, stand with feet shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight and shoulders back. Turn your toes out slightly for balance.

End: Keep back straight as you begin rising up on your toes. You should feel the tension in your calves. When you are all the way up on your toes, hold for a count of two and lower slowly to the begin position. Legs will feel shaky at first but will steady as you strengthen your calves.

(If balance is a problem you can use a small ball about the size of a beach ball. Keeping the same straight posture, place the ball against your midriff between you and the wall.)

One Arm Rows for Back

Begin: Pick up weight with right hand. Bend your left leg and kneel on bench keeping right leg off bench with foot on floor. Place left hand on bench for support. Back should be horizontal to bench and straight. Extend right arm down holding weight and keep your chin down.

End: Slowly lift your elbow to chest level and slightly higher than your back. Hold to count of two as you lower weight slowly to the begin position. Do not over extend elbow to cause injury. Now shift to opposite side and repeat.


Kickbacks for Triceps

Begin: Hold dumbbell in each hand with palms facing inward. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and bend legs slightly keeping arms close to your body.

End: Lean forward from waist while keeping back straight and slowly extend your arms behind you with palms facing inward. Hold for count off two and feel the burn in your triceps. Slowly return arms to the begin position. Three sets of 8 to 10 reps.

(Remember to keep your elbows close to your body.)


Pelvic Bridge for Thighs, Abdomen, Buttocks and Lower Back

Begin: Lie on mat with knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Hold weight in each hand and rest weights vertical just inside hip bones.

End: Slowly lift pelvis off floor until your midsection forms a straight line from your knees to your lower back. Hold to the count of two keeping shoulders on the floor. Slowly return to begin position. Three sets of 8 to 10 reps.

(Keep shoulders flat on floor and do not lift or strain neck.)


Horizontal Fly for Chest

Begin: Lie on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor. Hold dumbbell in each hand with palms facing in and lift over chest. Keep elbows slightly bent as you extend your arms upward.

End: Slowly lower dumbbells and spread out your chest, bringing your elbows out and down to barely off the floor. Hold to the count of two and slowly lift outstretched arms up in an arc over your chest and back to the begin position. Three sets of 8 to 10 reps.

(If you are doing this exercise on a bench, be careful not to drop your elbows too low beyond the bench to prevent shoulder injury.)


Triceps Pullover for Arms

Begin: Lie flat on bench with knees bent and feet flat on bench to take pressure off back. Hold one end of dumbbell with both hands while you lift arms straight up over shoulders. Lower dumbbell over your head keeping arms close to your ears without touching them.

End: Arms should be stretched out and dumbbell dropped down slightly behind your head. Reverse your arc as you lift dumbbell up to begin position. Three sets of 8 to 10 reps.

(Let your arms do the work not your back and shoulders.)

Plie Squat for Thighs

Begin: Stand with feet greater than shoulder width apart holding single dumbbell from one end. Point toes out and lift dumbbell to waist high extending elbows out to sides. Keeping back straight and buttocks tucked slowly lower yourself bringing knees over toes.

End: Balance your body weight into your feet. Tighten your abs as you lift slowly back up to the begin position. Three sets of 8 to10 reps.

(Do not overextend with this exercise to avoid injury.)

Dumbbell Rotation for Abs

Begin: Hold dumbbells in each hand with palms facing each other. Position dumbbells vertically at midriff level slightly away from body. Keep back straight and keep feet shoulder width apart.

End: Slowly rotate body. As you rotate to the right your left foot should lift and pivot off toes thus allowing your left leg to move with you. Slowly move back to the start position. Switch your rotation to the left lifting up on your right foot and repeat movements back to begin position. Three sets of 8 to 10 reps.

(Be careful not to rotate too far and cause back strain.)

Crunches for Your Tummy

Begin: Lie on matt with knees bent and feet flat on floor. Cross arms and rest dumbbells on your chest. Position knees together and keep your lower back pressed down on the matt. Do not pull your feet up too close to your hips.

End: Slowly lift shoulders no more than a few inches off the floor. The key is to keep pressing your back into the floor matt and tightening your stomach muscles to help you crunch. Hold to the count of two and slowly lower yourself back to the begin position. Three sets of 8 to 10 reps.

(It is important to keep your neck and shoulders relaxed to avoid strain.)

Weight-bearing exercise will increase your lean body mass and help get rid of the fat. Staying strong wards off cardiovascular disease, our number one killer, and helps us keep our independence. We do not get even with our ex-husbands—we get fit! Women are most vulnerable to osteoporosis after menopause, but weight-bearing exercise helps maintain strong bones. Pick up those dumbbells—or you might be the real dumbbell!